Thursday, December 14, 2006

Of Radio & Covey

1. Is 104 FM happening in other cities as well? what's the future of radio and brand differentiation looking like with the boom? Given that it's being promoted by Virgin (pretty subtle for Branson, I thought) - figures that soon we'll have lots more channels, Indian and International? Whats this mean for radio as a medium... any interesting thoughts?

2. Found an old old copy of 7 habits of highly effective teens - disclaimer: this was a gift! but thinking about it... how about compiling a list of habits of effective planners?

Here are some aspirational habits of a young planner:

1. Read, watch, travel, listen, absorb information and keep it handy!
2. Learn to use research effectively - as an ally, not a fear
3. Be prepared to make mistakes, and learn from them (sure, we're meant to be informed and intuitive and all that, but it isn't the gospel truth)
4. Put your briefs up for discussions (and go beyond the printed word)

So that's 4 - anyone else got some?


pooR_Planner said...

Talking about teens ... I have just managed to download a 57 page extensive report on Global Tween from Euromonitor ... since Indian & China together have 57% of the Global Tweens ... this report forecasts the Changing Pattern of Consumption Habits by 2010 ... but problem with blog beta ... you cannot upload a pdf file ...

blaiq said...

Roop, may be then you can share the link where you downloaded it from.

Fink, I love the idea of distilling the seven habits of successfull planners. I want to add a few to the list.

1. Be the consumer.
2. Experiment. Hold nothing sacred.
3. Share/giveaway your thinking. That's the only way there will be place for more ideas in you.

As we compile it, there might be repetitions of the same things said differently. So maybe we can put them all together in a post (after everyone's commented) and vote/craft/distill them further. We might also have to reword them as habits rather than as gospel (the way mine are sounding now :)