Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Overwhelming response

Tata Sky is indeed doing well. So well that they cannot provide adequate service to it's new customers. It got me thinking after seeing this ad. Why feel sorry and apologise when you can actually celebrate. This such a brilliant example when marketing, advertising and PR can work together to create a real buzz. Developing consumer content using this issue of 'overwhelming response,' is such a fantastic idea.Occasion like this seldom happen and when it does, it's important to bank on it to send the right signal at the right moment. And what better way than to involve consumers to spread the right buzz instead of a negative feeling of being neglected, left out or a poor standard of service which might loom large in their mind.


blaiq said...

You are right, Roop. Things like these happen very rarely and one must be prepared to grab those bonus points.

The issue here is of brand tone. It's obvious Tata Sky have no clue what their tone of voice should be - or can be.

Imagine, the same thing happening with Apple running out of iPods or Nanos. Would they run an ad like this?

pooR_Planner said...

I don't think so. They would rather start jumping all over the place saying, "We owe you our success" or something to that order or a viral and make lot of noise which in-turn will become another case study and sale more iPods.

Unknown said...

iqbal - agree with you. Tata Sky or rather a majority of Indian brands are not aware of their tone of voice!

ipod like communication needs a Steve Jobs, a TBWA(excluding TBWA India :-) (sorry Roop)a Jonathan Ive and loads of guts and imagination which the tatas dont generally display( purely in the communication sense/ space)!

They have trust, authenticity which in a way the ad reeks of!!

pooR_Planner said...

Oi... thats a direct take on my agency...if they have SJ & JI then we have GJ & KD... lol

Yes, I guess its the Tata trust that comes out from this ad more than anything. But from a communication point of view, I think it should have been the ad agency of Tata Sky taking that extra step to come up with a novel idea and putting it forward to the client instead of touching upon the Tata trust. Agency Value adds ... Ha ... atleast TBWA India knows how to handle crisis well.

Anbuchezhian said...

In fact i am reminded about an ad for FORD when they launched in India. There was this ad in response to the huge response they had received for their ad calling for dealers. If my memory serves me right the headline was something like

" Not Often we get choked"
and it went on to talk about the overwhelming response and how thankful they were and how fast they would respond after going through the applications.

Look at what they managed to build a brand function into something mundane like a Thank you ad for a Dealers wanted ad" . The tone, manner and the language everything conveyed what the brand FORD is all about.