Monday, January 15, 2007

Until you succeed...

An entire generation is growing up as gamers, and games are nothing but invitations to be daring, and try, try, try until you find a solution and succeed.


Kaj said...

hmm.. and how about gaming.. like SIMS.. virtual reality.. just being escapism and a chance to play God in your own universe?

blaiq said...

Meraj, I am not quite sure where I read this (but has to be the Economist or WIRED going by my reading habits) but research has shown that gamers tend to have a misplaced super-confidence in their abilities and skills in the real world. They tend to rate themselves really high on skills/abilities that they are merely setting out on (or don't have much experience in.)

While the spirit of trying until you find a solution is a good thing to imbibe, misplaced confidence and underestimating the rest of the world might not be good survival tips to learn.

I can't remember the source but will share it with you if I do remember.

Anonymous said...

I love gaming. And must confess to losing complete days while trying to finish levels or games.

Yep, it's partly thrill of the chase, and (oh lord, you'll kill me for more pithy-isms ;) the risk is really the reward.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi claims that it's about finding flow - or optimal experience, while gaming.

Steven Johnson makes a fairly convincing case for the goodness of gaming - levels get incrementally tougher, making one work just a little bit more at figuring out in-game puzzles and so on.

meraj said...

a good point, iqbal. there is another aspect attatched to gaming - the players feel that they are 'playing god'. goes on the confirm 'misplaced super-confidence'.

btw, what do you think the gigantic jigsaw puzzle is all about?

ps:the line is from