Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Thotblurb of the month

Inspired by Russell Davies' 'Post of the Month' competition, I am planning to put together a 'Thotblurb of the Month' competition every month for stuff posted on Thotblurb.

All the rules remain the same - except only posts from Thotblurb are allowed. Anyone can nominate the posts including the writer himself/herself - any number of nominations are allowed/welcome. I will write out a nominations open post at the end of every month where you can leave your nomination as a comment or you can mail it to me.

We all (including non-contributors to Thotblurb) vote on it and decide the 'Thotblurb of the Month.' The winner will be enshrined in a sidepanel created just for these outstanding posts.

What do you all say?


Subramaniam Avinash said...

Way to go!

meraj said...

sound good!

Kaj said...

dunno - seems to me we're being a bit too Russell like. but hey, if everyone thinks it's great - cool. lets do it. at least Russell takes posts from all over the place. we'll just do some self congratulatory posts and tell ourselves we're smart. oh well. how about the most interesting post of the month, non thotblurb?!

Anbuchezhian said...

Good Idea.

Subramaniam Avinash said...

@Fink: It might not be such a bad thing to be Russell-like. One thing the post of the month will do is encourage people to write better and post more insightful stuff.

most interesting non-thotblurb of the month? hmm...sounds good. basically, anything that encourages more debate is most welcome.

Saurabh Sharma said...

I thought all of us were anyway supposed to put up insightful stuff, with or without any contest

Subramaniam Avinash said...

@Saurabh: Indeed we are supposed to. All I'm saying is that a contest will help do more of the same.

Pooja Nair said...

I think its a good idea. It will add to the fun!

blaiq said...

@Fink: Taking posts from all over the place works for Russell because he has the authority/reputation (and the number and quality of visitors) to make it work. In my opinion, the same dynamics won't work here. And by doing so, we'll be duplicating what Russell is doing. He does it better than we can and we are better off taking part in his contest on his blog - especially because the spread and reach will be bigger.

The thinking behind Thotblurb of the month wasn't for it to be self-congratulatory at all. In fact, it was to be self-critical.

Apart from what UberM mentions, I believe something like this will give us feedback on what our readers (especially the ones who don't end up commenting) find interesting and good.

Kaj said...

Well, like you say yourself, 'we're better off taking part in his contest etc...'

Newayz. Mostly everyone thinks its a good idea, so that's cool. I guess participation, like blogging is voluntary! Lets see if the idea of winning a 'TB post of the month' leads to better and best posts - if it does, that's awesome! I seem to have lost my initial enthusiam any how, so I'll keep quiet at this point.

The acceptable response to any criticism seems to be 'I see your POV'. So I do. Cool.

Unknown said...

sorry for the late participation( by net speed standards)

on this one...i totally agree with Fink...it's an exercise in self-congratulation...little else!

and i too feel there is too much 'Russellization'.It's not a bad thing. But am not sure it's such a great thing either...

a contest with only thot blurb posts will become like the Abbys - the in-house awards of the Ogilvy group...LOL

the best posts anyways attract the best comments and generate the best heat and dust...

BPOTM -Bit pre-mature...and yes i agree - The acceptable response to any criticism seems to be 'I see your POV'!

Subramaniam Avinash said...

What's the problem with seeing somebody else's POV? It's a lot smarter to see somebody else's point of view and disagree with it. How can a good Planner not see somebody else's POV?

Unknown said...

nothing's wrong...it is a feeling:-)