Why India will never be much more than a back-office of the world and why China will always be way ahead of us in the game? Because Indians just do not know how to work together. We're so used to having the freedom to pull one and other down, we've forgotten that the best way to move forward is together. Case in point is the latest fracas out here. Instead of encouraging one and other to set aside our differences and nurture something worthwhile, we're all busy doing our own thing. Indians, we disgust me. Maybe we'll learn something from Calvin & Hobbes.
Extrapolating a fracas/ stalemate on a small collective blog to a large Indian malaise is a bit of a stretch.
Are we falling prey to pop-analysis?
Silence could be an argument, a POV, a sign of indifference, cooling off tactic, dissidence or plain over-work!
Maybe, we have learnt more about who we are by the 'fracas' than through all the bonhomie, wisdom and ramblings earlier!
Avinash - do take up the task of the new moderator if we are unable to resolve the current stalmate?
I'm not interested in being a moderator. I think Blaiq has done a good job of it and should be the leader of this group.
Speaking of extrapolation being a bit of a stretch, it's not. Planning is pop-analysis. A small group like this is a microcosm of India.
I agree, we have learnt more about who we are from this fracas. And that's exactly what I am pointing to. A bunch of egotists is what we are.
A case in point is our own Indian Cricket team. No wonder with so much of infighting, politics,hypocrisy they lost out early. And its not they were not good individuals but they failed collectively and to stand up as a team when it mattered mos. And the price for that was really huge.
And I think that is something that can easily extrapolated here. I was speaking to somebody this morning and discussing the Aussie's. I was telling him see these guys just need one bad day and they can easily be defeated. This guy smiled and said they are also trying to address this problem and they train with somebody called a Recovery specialist. It was amazing to hear that. And what focus and vision the guys running cricket australia bring to the table. The passion is simply outstanding.
And we have a small team here. i don't see it as a small collective blog. I see it much more than that. I see it as an elite group. Within a short time we have become aspirational.
Am wondering wheter we need a "Recovery Specialist "
Well said.
It would have been a good point to make about people in general and say "why some people will never stop being the back office" but it may be inaccurate to make the sweeping conclusion that this is the problem with India.
India, China or any team is built by individuals. And an individual’s actions can not be blamed/credited to his/her country of origin.
If you do want to extrapolate, then extrapolate the fact that in a collective consisting of 9 people only 2 people succumbed to ego hassles. Also, one of the 2 spent a significant part of her life abroad.
What does that say about this team and (if you insist) about this country?
India has been doing very well in a lot of sectors and this is slated to get better.
The countries back-log, if there’s one, can be attributed to poor education systems and sheer abundance of people.
About the Chinese being ahead of India is a different discussion altogether. :)
Anyway, lets move on. Any volunteers for the position of moderator?
This girl never fails to surprise me. I vote for IQ as moderator.
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